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Horse that backs and tries to sit

20 17:45:14

I recently aquired a 10 year old paint mare. she does wonderful on the lunge and even works and jumps without a line. she has a very bad habit of backing. when you try to get a lead on and when you are on her back. There are no "stops" (tight rein ect.) that would block her forward movement.  She will back to the point of sitting and even rolling over.  I've tried different bits and saddles with no difference. she doesn't rear but does swing her head while she is backing like she's avoiding or trying to lose the bit.

Hi Leslie!

How is the bit adjusted in her mouth?  I would drop the bit down and make sure it is just resting in the corners of her mouth with NO wrinkles.  I hope you can ride because the fix here is if there is no mechanical or physical reason for her to be backing when you are asking her to go forward, you make it VERY difficult for her to keep backing!  

This is the process of making the right thing easy and the wrong thing difficult.  When she is moving forward, ride soft and smooth, now remember she has to shape her body up to back up.  She first has to slow her forward movement, then stop, then round her back and finally start to move backward.  At the first sign of her preparing to change from smooth forward movement, change her mind!  Send her forward and don't take "no" for an answer.  Backing to the point of sitting and rolling over is silly and downright dangerous!  My guess is when she has backed to the point that she sits down that the ride is over?  Don't quit on this behavior!  Do what it takes to send her forward! To quote my friend Ricky, kick an air hole in her!  Make your legs mean something.  Use your whip on her hind end and mean it!  The second she stops, release the pressure, then ask her to go forward again smoothly.  If the backing starts up again, whack!  With gusto!  However, notice the smallest try on her part to do the right thing and release the pressure while building on the correct movement!  

I'm thinking that maybe this behavior came from being pulled on and forced into the correct lead, this created a brace that has become extreme.  What I would do with this horse is get back into the round pen, don't use a bridle at all, just your rope halter, and let the mare lope!  I think you will find some really big changes in her when she just gets to move without being pulled on for the proper lead.  If you are aware of the lead the horse is on at the trot, then getting the correct lead at the canter is just a matter of being aware and adding a bit more energy.  I would also do a lot more haunches in at the trot.  Make sure the mare become more respectful of the leg and when your leg is on it means FORWARD!  Do lots of canter work in the round pen.  Make sure she is on the proper lead at the trot.  If she is not, don't ask her to canter.  Fix things up and wait!  Fix until she IS on the proper lead at the trot and then trot her faster than she can trot and she will melt into the canter.  Do lots of trot/canter transitions.  If you make a mistake and she canters off on the wrong lead, simply bend her, roll her over her hindquarters and then start over.  Also, I want you only riding in ONE REIN!  This is why I want you to ride in your rope halter in the round pen.  NO pulling on both reins.  Do not tie your lead rope to the other side of the halter.  When you change directions, I want you to flip your lead over her head so it is always on the inside of the pen.  Remember, when you bend your horse it is to the inside of the pen.  Same rule still applies, if she shapes up to prepare to back, send her forward as if her next step back and she would tumble off a 1000 foot cliff!  If that were really the hard would you kick???  Pretty hard I'll bet and with a smart whack from the whip or the end of your lead as well!

Let me know how things are going.  If I have used terms or concepts that you do not quite understand, please let me know and I will clarify!

Smiles!  Denise