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Breeding stallion

21 8:54:11

 I was wondering if I need to be worried about my 3 yr. old stallion. As a 2 yr. old he bred 2 mares and one is due in July and heavy in foal and the other aborted. This year I have a total of 4 mares for him to breed. Two mares are already in foal and two are open to breed. My stallion is in a pasture breeding environment at this time. I have watched him with the mares and when he talks to them they both squat, wink, and squirt. He will talk to them and act kind of studdy but then he just gives a squeal, buck and ten leaves. To my knowledge he has not yet mounted a mare this year. He is a very passive horse to handle. He is very easy to be around even when with mares. He absolutely will not hand breed though, it is almost like he is shy and doesn't want me watching. About 3-4 months ago he tried to mount a mare over a tall gate and got stuck on it. He bent the top rail and he is tall enough there wasn't a lot of pressure on his stomach. The other rail was pushing between his penis and testicles but again not with much pressure. I was wondering if he is now scared to mount or what. He was not hurt at all, well except maybe his pride. Should I be worried? Do horses ever need to be trained how to breed? Weird question I know but he has me puzzled. Thanks for your help,    Jennifer.

Hi Jennifer,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!  
The description of your stallions behavior is definitely suspect.  Since he is quite young, and did have an incident with getting 'high centered' on a gate, I would be inclined to start there.  Some stallions are deterred from breeding by this sort of accident, but there is also a possibility that he has damaged the sensitive tissues in his genital area.    One question -- does he drop and become fully erect when introduced to a mare in season?

I would rule try to rule out physical problems by talking to your vet.

Good luck!