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Speed Control

21 8:54:12

I have a 22 year old Thoroughbred mare, she is an x-race and dressage horse.  I got her 1 year ago.  I have never been able to get her to keep her speed when trotting or cantering.  I have to have tight and solid pressure on her bit at all times otherwise she will just speed up super fast.

Is there a way for me to change this problem?

Hi Kara-

Your problem is a difficult one to fix on a former race horse.  She has been trained to run and at 22 she is pretty set in her ways.  You could try lunging her first or working with her in a small arena to help her settle down before really riding her the way you want to.  You might also want to try a different briddle.  Sometimes going to a more severe bit will actually cause the horse to run faster so I wouldn't start that way.  If the horse will neck rein, try using a bosal.  If the horse doesn't neck rein, you can try putting a regular nylon halter under the bridle with a set of roper reins or lead lines attached.  Both set ups will give you the abbility to put pressure on the horses nose and cause them to curve their neck more.  When a horse wants to really run they stretch out, and making their neck curve a bit will impede that stretching and help slow them down.  The bosal is best because you will only have one set of reins to deal with.  And although it is akward to work with two sets of reins, the halter under the briddle is a good alternative if she doesn't neck rein.  Just use the second set of reins like an emergency brake.  With any luck and persistence she will settle into the idea of going slower.
This is really a rough problem to tackle on a 22 year old ex race horse.  Good luck and let me know if you need more help.

Michael Hockemeyer