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Questions about a tennesse walker

20 17:45:54

I am getting a Tennessee Walker next week and we are moving about 40 miles and shes pregnant.What problems do I need to look out for.Also I am not to sure that she has ever been ridden how would I go about breaking her?

Hi Anna!

First, have her examined by the vet before you move her to her new living quarters.  Find out exactly how far along she is and ask how to reduce the possible stress of the move on her and her unborn foal.  You did not say if she trailers well.  This should also be discussed with the vet, as sedative drugs can be given to calm fussy horses for trailering...but, she is pregnant.  That might preclude her getting a sedative.  I would have her moved by a professional horse hauler who has a safe rig and understands how to correctly trailer a horse. You have some precious cargo there and it sounds like you have no real idea on how to deal with horses.

While the vet is there, also talk to her about a proper feeding plan for the mare and baby...the last trimester is crucial for the foals's development and you want them both fed right.

Forget breaking/retraining her to saddle for a long time.  When the foal is finally weaned and the mare is back to good health (pregnancy and nursing can really deplete her) THEN, you can talk to your vet again about if she is ready and maybe have them recommend a local TW trainer to help you.

Right now, keep your eye on the prize.  A healthy mare and baby  :-)

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helemt!
