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muscle in my mares hindquarters

20 17:46:30

hi, i was wondering about my mare, she's kind of petite, and really youg, around 3 1/2, and has long legs. she has the potiential for barrels, but i was wondering about her hindquarters, they're full of muscle, but are a little small in size... i was wondering if they would stay like that, because of her being so petite, or if they would get bigger with age. i trail ride all the time, and for around 5 hours once a mohnth, and ride her atleast 30 minutes 3x a week. if they were to get bigger, what type of exersizes could i put her through to build up that hindquarter muscle? she is pregnant right now, she has 4 months left, so do you think i should wait or not? thank you for your help! -Amber

Amber -

I would wait until she delivers, and you are close to weaning the foal.

When you are ready you can work her over ground poles to help develop her hind end.  Or, while you are trail riding, you can focus on trotting up hills.  Both exercises are good for the hind end.

Typically horses don't stop growing until they are about five.  By two their legs stop growing so they don't usually get taller, but they will fill out and get wider until they are five.  So she may naturally bulk up a little still, but those exercises should help.

Best of luck!
Michael Hockemeyer
Kicking Bear Mustangs