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Thank you!!!

20 17:20:50

Me & My Girls
Me & My Girls  
Hi Rick,

I sent you an email probably a year or so ago, chewing you out because I thought you were a jerk and a bit of a chauvinist. I have to say, I have watched your videos on your youtube channel (and subscribed) and I have to say that I was totally wrong. Yes you are blunt, but people need to hear it sometimes. I'm working with a 21 yr old Thoroughbred mare & a 7 year old Appendix Quarter Horse mare and I can definitely say that your videos have helped changed my attitude about working with horses.

I saw myself in a lot of the riders you were responding to. I never thought to really think like a horse, and when I started to, I found myself doing things differently, and looking at them differently. I stopped asking myself "why did my mare just do that" and started asking myself "why not?", as they are doing what horses horses. It was just time for me to shut up and listen.

I have a better relationship with both my girls now.

Thanks Rick!

Brittney, Lace, & Jesse

Well glad to hear that you got past your initial perception. Nice to see young people learning there are better ways than just same old stuff that is still being passed on by so many.

If more people would look at themselves and ask what am I doing to make my horse do what it is doing, then horses would get a better deal and a better life.

You can never go wrong by listening to your horse and paying attention when the horse is trying to say something.

Although I appreciate the credit, unless you or others are willing to change, study and work on what they do, what I say does not matter. So thanks for kind words and I am glad you and your horse have it better and easier.

Lots more to learn from lots of horses, so don't ever get to where you think know it all or have it all figured out, that is when a new horse will come along and teach a hard horse lesson and remind you that you may not know as much as you think.

The horse is always the best teacher of the horse.
