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Herd bound horse

20 17:57:09

HI-my new gelding was put out to pasture two days ago and has started showing herd bound behavior. When I went to bring him in from the pasture he refused to "go" and basically planted himself and would not walk forward with me as I led him away from the herd-finally another horse walked by and he decided he would go with...I would like to know the best approach to take in this situation? I want to take the first step with him to bond and do groundwork so he learns have resect for me. I have had horses all me life but have never run into this as there's always been a buddy along. He has been trained in Clinton Anderson methods which I am new to and learning myself. I know he must be testing me to see what he can get away with. What is the best way to show him it is ok to leave his new herd so that I can work with him?

Hi Andrea, I you are learning Natural Horsemanship techniques and your gelding already has been trained, he is simply playing games with you. Read up on NH and herd bound horses. If you just got him, he is not truly herd bound, he simply is not recognizing you as the herd leader.  Use your body language to make him follow you. Read, read, read up on John Lyons, Mark Rashid, Parelli, and other NH teachers. They have websites and forums which will help you learn to be a good herd leader. You should soon learn to walk outside and say one word which will bring your entire herd to you and stand in front of you waiting for you to give them directions. Don't give up. He is not herd bound, but if you let him continue this way, he may soon become truly herd bound. You are on the right track, so keep up the good work. Leave me some feedback and follow-up after you have done some reading about herd leadership. Thanks. Regards, Susan