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Untrainable horse? Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:19:26

HI Rick, i have a 9yr old TB mare who i have have for 4 months now she was sold to me as a project as she had been used as a broodmare for the past 3yrs, she is perfect in every way except she wont accept the girth, we have had a trainer to her and she will lunge beautifully but as soon as the roller goes on she acts like a bucking bronco, the trainer even put he roller on and let her off in the paddock so she could work it out and calm down but she went wild bolting from one end to the other it took over an hour to cach her and she didnt trust us for 3 days after so we told the trainer not to come any more, we have had her vet checked, teeth, feet and back checked all are ok, everyone says she is past help and not ridable have you come across this before, any help would be great, also eveyone who has looked at her think she may have been badly treated and hit.

Bad training gets bad results and gets horses called bad.  So much going on wrong here, there is not way to even start explaining everything. You have not read my website or watch all my videos or you would not asking this. This is a human problem and not a horse problem. Just because someone calls themselves a trainer and you believe they are a training, does not make them a trainer. I cover this in many areas of my site and videos.

You mention the horse was treated bad or hit, So? Again another topic cover and explain why that is just an excuse for the unknowing and has nothing to do what why PEOPLE fail with a horse.

Running around asking questions on the internet also shows a lack of knowledge on your part. You don't who is going to answer, what their level or experience is or if what they tell you is correct or wrong.

What makes you think if a "TRAINER" who sees the horse and has worked with the horse and can't fix the horse (there is nothing wrong with the horse by the way), what makes you think someone on the internet who has never seen the horse and never worked with the horse can somehow give you a better answer than the "TRAINER" that worked with the horse?

Most people reading this will see my point clearly, others will get mad and tell me I am mean or rude.

Read my site and watch my videos, Working with horses is a process NOT an event.