Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > horse does buckaroo when eating dinner

horse does buckaroo when eating dinner

20 17:36:17

why would a horse do a buckaroo impression whilst eating? is he just food obsessed and a sign of happiness i wonder. or maybe another reason? i have never heard of anything like this ever. How odd :)

Hi Lisa

Not something I  have ever come across either to be perfectly honest!

Can only assume that  he is happy to be fed and that he is expressing pleasure in his own way................... but odd all the same.

Is it just one buck or a series of bucks?

If its not bothering anyone or placing anyone in danger can only assume its something your horse has always done.

Its certainly not a tooth hurting problem as that would manifest itself in an entirely different manner.

Its got me and you  baffled completely!

Sorry I can;t shed any light on this  particular trait at all.
