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Trust between me and my horse

21 8:55:56

Hello i really really need your help.
I have a horse called Amber and i love her to bits.When i first got her i hated her,i didnt like her at all.I got her for a suprise for christmas from my uncle.But i didnt like her at all cause i wasnt 100% confident around horses.My uncle said we can sell her and get another one when i feel ready but somthink about her made me want to keep her and give her a chance.And now i think the whole world of her i would never ever sell her.Ive nearly had her for a year now and these last couple of months have been bliss,i have really began to trust her......but everythink has just gone down hill.These last couple of days i just have lost my confidence.She spooks alot at the slightest thing.My sister also rides her but when amber acts up,my sister just puts her right and carrys on riding her but if it was me i just panick.I just dont get it thoe,a couple of months back i wouldnt be bothered about her acting up,its just these last couple of days i have really started to loose my confidence.
What can i do cause its really doing my head in,i want to be a confident rider,i want my horse to trust me,but how is she going to trust me if im nervous around her? I ve been told to maybe have riding lessons to help me learn how to control her if she does act up,do you think it would help?
Please help if you can.

Riding lessons, for sure! That's the first thing I thought of as I started reading your question.

Riding lessons will not only teach you HOW to handle scary situations, but it will offer a safe, secure environment for you to learn in.

I don't know if you wear a helmet or not, but if you do not, consider one. For me, just knowing that I have that little bit of protection makes me feel more calm when I'm out riding, it might help you as well.

And one of the best things you can do is just be with your horse... don't ride every day. Take certain days to just brush her, and sit with her, and talk with her. This is when real bonding happens, and a bond will make you much more comfortable.

Good luck with Amber, and I really hope that this has helped you some. :)