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Bad habit

20 17:41:57

Horse is eating his
own poop

Hi Kim!

He is is missing something in his diet and/or he is just not getting enough to eat.

You have to have a balanced ration for horses.  This means a good ratio of concentrates, forages, and pasture.  All horses need a vitamin/mineral supplement in order to get all of what they need.  Here in Oregon, for example, we have an extreme deficiency in selenium.  We have to feed a vitamin that is rich in this mineral in order to avoid some very serious consequences such as tying up. All horses need a salt block as well.  I offer my horses both a plain white salt lick and one that contains trace minerals.  Depending on the needs of the horse, they will use one or the other.  

I would add a good vitamin mineral supplement to your horses daily concentrate ration.  By concentrates I mean grain or some sort of pelleted feed.  My horses get strategy, a Purina product and rice bran for concentrates and "horse guard" for a  basic vitamin supplement.  You can check with your local feed store on the different products they carry.  Also, check into "Smart-Pack Equine".  They have tons of options and are very through and helpful!  

I would also deworm your horse and I may even consider a fenbendazole power pack.  It may be that your horse is really carrying a big parasite load and if he has been eating manure, I sure he is infested by now!  If you have not been on a good de-worming program, start with fenbendazole.  It is not a complete kill and will not overload your horses system with dieing parasites.  I would follow in a month with an ivermecten and then after the first good freeze, a 5 day power pack.  Always check with your Vet before starting any new de-worming program.  Make sure you are using the correct products for your horses size and age.  

This time of year most pastures are dry and gone.  It could be that your horse is just hungry.  If he is a bit too fat and you don't want him any fatter, try spreading a small amount of good quality grass hay out in his pasture.  He will have to graze to get it.  If he is thin, feed him and de-worm him!  Horses, when really hungry, will eat almost everything including wooden posts, weeds and poisonous plants!

Most horses develop pica as a response to a missing element in their diet or extreme hunger.  Take care of these problems and the poo eating will go away!

Keep me posted!

Smiles, Denise