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Mare undersaddle training issue!

20 17:58:19

Hi there! Well I would like to get some advice on a mare that I have. I have owned her for almost 4 years, and I would say I have a good 25 rides on her total. When I bought her no one could touch her. She was a 4 year old, and the owner before me had a stallion get loose and she infact got bred and had a foal. She let me catch her out in the field. The owner was surprised, and I took her home. She hasn't been the easiest horse to work with, but she has come a long way from where she use to be. Shes awesome on the ground. But any time I go to ride her it seems that she thinks I'm a stallion mounting her and she wont move. I've gotten her to walk trot and canter, but its never consistent. She will throw fits and pee all over! Shes started rearing, and loves to kick out, buck... (they are wimpy but still the behavior? I'm not sure what to do?

Hi Lindsay!

I need more information to answer this correctly.  Did you train the mare yourself? What is the tack you are using and how often do you ride?  What discipline are you riding her in and what is your skill level.

Just from what you told me, it sounds like she has large gaps in her training and is unsure of what she is to do.  As for the idea that she thinks you are a stallion trying to mount her, no.  That is not it.  Horses do not think like that.  They think in terms of fear or flight and dominance or submission.  I cannot say why she is squirting.  Can you tell me exactly when she does it and is it all the time?

As for right now you need to stop riding her altogether and go back to the basics.  She cannot maintain a gait or keep her mind on riding because she has not been trained properly to do so.  That is why she is rearing, bucking, cow-kicking.....

I cannot suggest more until I know more but, I can safely say these issues cannot be fixed from just the saddle.
