Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > I have two horses that are geildings that i just recently put together!

I have two horses that are geildings that i just recently put together!

20 17:21:15

Hello, yes; I have a had a paint gelding horse who is five for about 9 months now, and i just recently bought another horse who is also a palomino paint gelding and he is three, and i put them together Tuesday, well the palomino wasn't taking very good care of by the people i bought him from so he is very skiddish and what not, & my horse has been loved by me & been rode and been used too being the only horse in my life, now that i got this new horse first they got along then the five year old started biting the other one then stopped but everytime i come around them the five year old runs the three year old off, he won't let me know him. And he is just getting worst, now everytime i touch him his ears go way back because he gets so mad and he walks away the only time he lets me close is when i'm bringin him his breakfast and supper. Please HELP!!

Hi Starr!

Your horses are forming a herd.  They are trying to figure out leadership, dominance, and herd order, this is what the biting, kicking and driving the other horse away is all about.  The five year old is just saying, very clearly and in horse language..."I'm the boss"!!!  However, YOU should be the ultimate herd leader.  You SHOULD be the boss of the whole herd, and right now you are not!  That is what the pinned ears are about.  You will have to change you, or the five year old will end up running the whole show!  

Your horses will have to sort out their relationship on their own.  You don't live in the pasture with them, so once you leave, they will form the limits and boundaries of their own relationship.  When you step into the pasture, you will have to be VERY clear that you are in charge.  Do NOT allow the 5 year old to drive off the 3 yr old!  It is your responsibility as leader and boss mare and the 5 yr old has to learn to be submissive to you.  Don't allow this dominate behavior when you are around or the 5 year old will realize that he is the boss of YOU too!

So, take your flag out into the pasture with you, this will offer you a bit more power.  Really all it should take is your presence in the pasture and your leadership skills to let your horses know that you are the "Mom" of the group, but you kind of missed the mark as far as leadership and now you will have to do more to regain your power.  Do NOT allow any pinned ears toward you or the three year old when you are in the pasture, period.  If the 5 is not behaving like a gentleman, use your flag or your lead rope and send him away.  He only gets to approach you if he is being soft, attentive and polite.  Do not tolerate or accept any other behavior.  Catch up your three year old and do some ground work with him, let him know that you will keep him safe and you will not allow anything bad to happen to him when you are there and then make sure you keep that promise to your horse, don't let him down, don't allow the 5 close or allow the 5 to influence the 3.  This is how you become a trusted leader to your horses.  Make the right thing easy and the wrong thing difficult!  Don't allow any behavior you don't want!  

Starr, when you change YOU, then you will see a huge change in your horses.  They will be more peaceful with each other and you.

Keep me posted on your progress!

Enjoy the ride!
