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Re-training a pacer

20 17:44:33

I have a pacer off the track, and have been working him for several months to walk and pace with leg cues, and he is doing well. When should try to progress to canter. His pace is easy to sit,but would to try to get him to trot also. He trots sometimes on a longe. Should I not try to get him to trot, and progress to canter?

Hi Sherry,

It depends on what you want the horse to do.  I generally teach the horses not to pace at all.  From what you've written it reads like you want to encourage and refine the pace not eliminate it.

I wouldn't confuse the horse.  Teach it to trot OR pace not both.  Unless you are very very clear and the horse understands 110% which pace you want trying to get both will lead to confusion and perhaps the creation of vices such as bucking and bolting out of the pure frustration of the horse not knowing how to please you.

If you do follow through do not try to teach the trot and canter together.  One at a time.  Which one you start with is up to you, but make sure he's completely balanced, relaxed and in rhythm with his existing paces before starting a new one.

Good Luck