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21 8:55:03

i recently started leasing an arab gelding (Indy is a polish arabian). He is around 10 years old and is staying in a large pasture full time. He has excellent ground manners, and is a very quick learner. But the minute you get on his back he is a different horse. If you put any pressure on his sides he will freeze and throw his head up, then back up really quick. and if you give the slightest kick he will do small rears. He looks really scared. I think he was most likely abused when he was used before. (He hasn't been ridden in about five years, but he doesn't look confused, just really really scared. his whole body freezes when you touch his sides)I was wondering if you could tell me if there is any way you can help this. I have been doing some parelli with him, teaching him to move away from pressure and getting him used to things that might be scary. He does really well with that, and seems to enjoy it! But i have no idea what to do with ridding him?!?! please help!
thanks so much for your time,
Amy and Indy

Hi Amy!

You said you just started leasing this Arab.  So, you two do not know each other and he has no earthly reason to trust or behave for you, especially after not having being ridden for years.

My advice is to not attempt to mount him again until you have built a solid foundation with him from the ground.

As for the Parelli my mother taught me "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything!"

If you really want to do this yourself (you did not describe you own riding abilities) and minimize the risk of injuring yourself or further complicating Indy's issues, you will need to longe him consistently and review (if he already knows how) all of his cues.

Long-lining him would be especially good for him as the bit in his mouth and lines on his side will help to de-sensitze him to his fear of touching.

Do you know what discipline he was ridden in previously?  Arabs are commonly used for Saddleseat Equitation and in that style, the leg never touches the horse's side.  He may just now know why you are laying a leg on him.

Also, when he was ridden before, was he REALLY broke?  Or did someone manage to just get on him but, give him absolutley no vocabulary with which to communicate with the rider.  It might have been all very unproductive and that's why they stopped riding him for so long.

Make sure you are not trying to stick a square peg into a round hole.  Indy may never fully recover from his overt sensitivity to leg forget Dressage!

Do not mount him until you feel he is really ready for it.  This must be done on his timetable, not yours.  When you do decide to get on him, you should treat him like a just-broke baby and not ask too much too soon.  He will show you the way....Arabs are wicked smart.

Of course, asking the advice of a professional in your area is always an option.  Even if they only come out to watch you you together and give you some exersices to work on to put you both back in the saddle again!

Gopod Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
