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Inttergrating herds - Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:20:20

Wow! Are you full of yourself or what, you know there are those of us out here who are trying are best to ensure that we do 100% right by our horses and with the attitude that you present to everyone why do you even bother at all. With that said, I have asked several others this same questions because I do want several different thoughts on this because I want only to do the right thing for my boy. I am forced to take my Arabian gelding and Mare, and my Quarter mare and pony and intergrate them into another herd of 5. My horses were rescues, and in the year I have had them they have come a long way. They are releaxed, happy, and close to each other and have respect for us. I always try to think "how would Spirit feel about this" before I do something with him, so now I wonder how he is going to feel and react to being moved, thrown into a pasture he does not know, and GET THE DOG SNOT KNOCKED OUT OF HIM BY THE HOME TEAM!. This guy trust me, if I say it's ok he calms down and believes me, so how do I do this and make it easy for everyone including the "Hometeam". Four horses at one time seems a lot to throw at someone, but if I want to continue to keep them healthy and ensuring they get to act like horses they need to move. So if you could graciously give me your thoughts on this Rick I would be ever grateful. After all it's for the best of the horses.

Well, another sarcastic spoiled, self-righteous horse owner that thinks she is entitled to bother others in her search for easy answers since she feels others owe her something.

Just to be clear, you write me for help and start with "Are you full of yourself or what"?  Really, and you expect me to help you.  You are the reason so many horses have bad lives. You go out and end up with 5 horses and then want to cry and expect that poor planning on your part constitutes an emergency on my part. You are wrong.

I have been doing this for too long to fall for the same old stunt that many types like you use to bully your way about horse stables, with threats of I want to help my horse, I have to put my horse down if you don't help and all other nonsense that A.D.D. owners start yelling when they can't find an easy fast answer. You don't know the answer, so anyone that does not drop everything and help you, is somehow the bag guy or does not care.  Let me be clear, I don't care what you want and neither does your horse.

Your obvious lack of knowledge and understanding of a horse is very clear with you foolish statement that you think your horse trust you and if you say it is OK the horse believes you....  Are you kidding me?  Anyone that has watched even a few of my 400 videos would know that is about the most ignorant statement you could make about a horse.  I could prove this to you in about 100 ways and all would end up with you trampled or killed by your horse, but just for fun I will give you one example. You stand next to your trusting horse that loves you and I will throw a rattlesnake under his feet and you tell it's OK and he will believe you and listen and trust you and will not do anything... rofl... you have no clue or understanding of a horse.

As for you asking several others this same question, then why are asking me? Let me tell you. You are looking for an answer that you want to hear and anyone that tells you NO, you have a hissy fit and start blaming them, just like you tried with me. Why haven't you gotten an answer from the several others that you asked? OH, I get it, you ask several, waste everyone time who answers you, with the intent to ignore the ones you don't like and just keep asking and wasting others time until you get one you like. Just in the off chance your horse does trust you, he better re-evaluate his decisions.

I have 400 videos free, I have a huge web site FREE and that is just too much work for little special you to invest time and read and watch and learn, so since you see yourself as special, you want everyone to give you the easy and fast answer.

Guess what, I don't do that and if you don't like it, you go can cry to others how mean or full of it I am, frankly my dear I don't care what you do.

Hope that was gracious enough for you.