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Response to answer (I am not Dr. Phil)

20 17:20:20

Rick, again WOW!. I admit I can come across pretty rude sometimes but you Sir take the cake. I asked several people Rick to ensure that what I was doing was the right thing, never take just one person's opinion on anything. Yes you are correct I don't know very much about horses if I did I would not reach out and ask for help now would I, someone told me to ask 4 people and you were one of them. I never take the easy way out with my horses! I never expect anyone to do anything for them and I am not spoiled. I fight every day to give them what they deserve and need, I do watch everything that I can to learn, just finishing up with Clint, and have never heard of you until someone told me about you yesterday. No I do not have time to sit and watch your free website, my horses were in a place were someone was shooting at them so I had to move them fast didn't have time to sit and watch the videos. Trust should have been respect, and yes he does respect me, I don't know to many that would stand still for a rattlesnake, do you. The others I asked did answer me I simply needed to understand if everyone had a different thought on it or do most of the experts think the same about integrating. Never did it, didn't have the chance to go through an entire series trying to find out. You know Rick you should never assume anything about someone,I reached out for help and instead of getting past what you thought was an insult to you( and as I re-read it I see why you thought that) and I do apologize, you just bashed the dog crap out of me. I am known to be a bit of a smartass but never do I ever intentionally try to hurt or insult anyone. There is nothing I want more than to know everything that I am capable of knowing about horses, I read, I watch, I observe, so don't point that finger at me like that when you have 3 more pointing back at you. I can't think of anything worse than someone who proclaims to be an expert at something but never really says much, you just tell everyone to go to your website and I will because now I need to see if your truly an expert with horses or just insulting the shit out of people. Thanks for at least responding Rick, don't judge me, you don't know me or my circumstance, here's someone expert advise from a Masters Degree Psychiatric Nurse.... relax,answer a question someone asks you when they are looking for help, then if you fill the need to insult what you think is there stupidity because they are not the expert you are on horses, then go ahead and insult them, I have one more question for you, who do you go to when you realize that you don't know something, no one person has all the answers.

LOL, I must admit I was laughing pretty much during this entire read. You say I take the cake, you must be referring to my weight, I am more of a peach pie person.  :)

I will try and address your comments.

You should do videos, that way you could post your questions and everyone who wants to answer would give you an answer and then you could pick or make your decision based on what you are told. The problem is junk in and junk out. If you ask blind people to describe with they see, you may get variations of answers but that does not make any of them right and does not make you smart enough to choose the best answer. Most people in the horse world all think they are right and all see the same things done over and over so they think it is normal, yet most is very wrong. So finding a popular answer is easy, it does not make it right just because lots of people agree. My answers are NOT popular. If that the was the case the world would still be flat, many said those who disagreed with that were the crazy ones.

As for you reaching out for help, when start with you are full of yourself, is like throwing an anchor to a drowning person and telling them you are trying to help, get real.

You said you just finished with Clit? REally, what the he** does that mean? You watched his videos? Since he is a big name guy and you finished with him why are still running about asking so many people questions? Why not ask him? I know Clint and he is a good experienced horseman so if you can't get it from him maybe it is not him, maybe it is not me and maybe it is not your horse? Who does that leave?

As for your play on words as to respect trust love or whatever, the horse does not care what you call it, it only knows if you understand it. Fancy phrases, talking the talk and saying all the right things does not make you better, it may impress others, you may get the highest score on a test, it may make others think you know, but horses talk with body not with words.

As for my calling myself an expert, you can't find anything anywhere I call myself an expert, I don't call myself a trainer, I am an horseman. You may hear what you want to hear or what you think you hear what you hear, which would explain why you and your horse are not communicating.

As for pointing my fingers at you or judging you, I did not seek you out, I don't need your help, I have nothing to base my answer on but what you and others tell me, so I have to try and reach some conclusions in order to begin to try and give an answer. I have many videos on why people that ask questions don't get it. Oh, I forgot you don't have time to watch them. I have lots of videos on herd behavior, opps, again you don't have time. I have lots on my website about intro new horses to herds or pastures. Opps, you don't have time to read it. So I guess you are right, I should just waste all my time babysitting every person that is busy and does not have time to read and watch free information that I have put thousands of hours of time preparing and making it available for free. Stupid Me, how dare I expect someone to be appreciative of all I have done and I must be the biggest jerk ever for not making it easier for all the busy people.  

I will give you the answer I have given to many that want to get mad, accuse, label and blame me for their problems. You are free to go elsewhere, don't go to my site, don't watch my videos and don't email me, lots of other people out there and you are not doing me any favors, you do yourself and your horse a favor by listening to me, if that is not enough for your fragile ego, then too bad for your horse.

As for your last question on who do I go to when I need help or an answer, I go to the horse. You might understand the full concept this answer had you read my site or watched my videos.

Read the answers to this video, I did not write them, this is what others say, but I am sure they are all wrong too.

Good luck, lets agree to disagree and move on.