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prominent head nodding seeing someone

20 17:19:20

hello ma'am, what does prominent head nodding mean (sometimes ear pinned)in horse training when a stranger approaches the horse standing in its stall?


This is a sign of aggression in the horse. He would do the same to another horse.
Horses have a flight or fight response to predators, which is what we are to a horse.
If this horse has been abused, and he is doing this because he is convinced the human is going to hurt him again...( and just racing in a race with a painful bit and being forced to run as fast as you can even if your body hurts) is a form of abuse.

A horse is not allowed to threaten a human, however, even if the horse is reacting for what HE thinks is a good reason.  There is no reason to beat the horse, but the human needs to assert his dominance  (I hate that word) over the horse....

I have found that it does not take much. Steady, quiet, progressive work helps.
But if attacked a sharp yell and a good slap on the neck or shoulder is required.Clicker training often works very well with this.

I remember a Standardbred at a race track that was so traumatized he could not be caught in his stall except by a hook on the end of a broom. He was known as a dangerous, mean horse.Once he was caught he was all right. I realize now that the poor animal was so traumatized by his handling that he was desperate not to be makes me very sad what we people do to horses.....
