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green broke horses

20 17:43:06

I am 18........ and I have been lunging my large pony he is doing VERY GOOD!I am very pleased with him,but before I sarted lunging him he would let me ride him any where I wonted except for around other horses exp. mares (he is a gelding)I m nervous about trying it. I would like to hear your opion on this.Do you think I should keep on with my ground work or do you think I should go on to the next level?I am not a unexperienced rider just start working with horses sence last christmas.

Hi Liz!

No more lunging please.  Lunging is NOT ground work.  It is just running a horse around in circles hoping that he gets tired enough to sneak a ride on.  You want more quality than that.  You could lunge your horse until the cows came home and still never be able to ride out in the real world because so much of the real horsemanship is missing!  

Your horse has to understand that you are a leader with answers that he can trust and believe in.  You have to learn HIS language and be able to communicate with him in such a way that builds confidence and security.  I know you are new to this and I am so excited for you.  You are now on a path toward real quality horsemanship and that is just great for you and your horse.  

Your horse is taking over.   He does not believe or trust that you are a leader that can take care of him when he is around other horses.  He feels the need to check things out and take over because you are not filling in for him. You have to get control of his feet and in so doing you will get to his mind.  I would like for you to start studying ground work and the principals of colt starting.  The best way to do this is to watch the DVD's by Buck Brannaman on ground work and colt starting.  Also, be using a good rope halter with a tree line lead.  I like the double diamond halters with a 12' tree line lead.  You can find the DVD's and the halters on Buck's website or you can click the link on my website on the favorites page go to Houlihan Horse gear, you will find the DVD's and halters here!  

When you have had a chance to look at and study some of this information, Liz then we can talk about specific problems and solutions.  This is the good stuff.  This is what being a student of the horse is all about.  Keep me posted, and read, read, read!  

Smiles, Denise