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difficult pony

20 17:43:20

Hi i think i asked you a Q before , i have a new forest pony he is cob size and likes his owon way, i cant ride him as i havent ridden for years and he is very green the trainer at the farm is going to ride him for me , i was getting on lovely with him as we had put him in a small field , then we decided to put him back in the big field and he doest come over i have to go over and try and lift his head from the grass, now i am a little unerved by him so i dont find this easy, i put him back in the small field and his behaviour really improved but yesterday he barged under the electric fence into a field with alot of grass , they said the electric was off so we put him in the big field, got him again this evening with the help of a carrot and after his feed and grooming put him back in the small field, this time the electric fence was on, well he just barged through and snapped it, to say the least the ownwer wasnt happy and had a go at us but another lady said that one of the geilding bit him too , then while we were taking him back to the big field again he told my hubby thast the bottom of the electric fence didnt work, i am angry as he blamed us and the pony , we dont want to keep him in this big feild as its on a steep bank and he has navicular so i dont think its good for him, and he will become wayward again too and my confidence is really getting knocked, i am fine leading him but when i untie him after feeding and grooming trying to get him off the grass is a nightmare as he wont lift his head and he tries to move me out of the way with his head , with the trainer helping i can do it but on my own i'm scared again, this pony is only five and was going to be shot but with us he is very sound and really a cheeky new forest who needs to learn some manners , he doesnt bite or kick but threatens at times but my nerves keep getting the better of me , hes great whn i take him for a walk and trusts me to follow when hes afraid , its just this bossy behaviour in the field and on grass , please ehlp i cant give up on him now

Hi Carol

It sounds to me like this boy is taking the mickey out of you.  He knows you are scared/nervous, and is taking advantage of the situation.

I have the same problem with my mare, when we are jumping...she knows I'm nervous, and takes advantage by stopping dead!  So, my solution would be to take a deep breath, stay calm and relaxed, and make sure he knows that you are in charge...not him.

Ponies are notoriously cheeky little devils, and New Forests are the worst of the lot for being downright obstinate.  He'll go where he wants to go, and unfortunately, there is no fence in the world that will keep a horse where it doesn't want to be kept.  Keep him in the big field, the slope will not affect his navicular, and if his weight is an issue, get a grazing muzzle which attaches to his headcollar.  

When he barges you out of the way with his head, gently, but firmly, put your hand on his muzzle, and push his head back to where you want it to be...and talk to him.  If he is getting bullied by the other geldings, then let him pal up with another horse, and put them out together...this should reduce the bullying.  

You must try to stay in the right frame of mind on the grass, and in the field.  He is sensing that you are nervous, and he's reacting to the situation by messing around and playing up. I can heartily recommend Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy which keeps you calm and relaxed, but in charge.  

If he threatens to bite or kick, then square up to him...and if he tries it, growl, and a sharp 'NO' in a loud voice should sort this problem.  

Don't let him get the better of you hun, ponies get given an inch and will take a mile!  

Good luck with this little man, and I hope I have helped.  If there are any other questions you have, then please do feel free to contact me.

Emma xx