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buying a thoroughbred for show jumping for new buyers

20 17:21:54

hello, i am a new horse buyer. an experienced show jumping rider told me to buy a thoroughbred horse and then send it to a show jumping horse trainer. he even told me to learn show jumping on my horse. is he correct? would you suggest me to buy a thoroughbred racehorse which recently retired from racing or a thoroughbred horse which is totally broken to pleasure riding from a riding club?

I need more information to give you a better answer.

I need to know YOUR riding skills.
If you are new to show jumping you sholdl buy a trained horse who can serve as a schoolmaster to you.

Green riders should not own green horses.YOU also need to be fairly knowledgable about jumping so you can choose a competent trainer.

I would choose an already trained pleasure horse but he may not be suitable for training to jump. You have to study how to choose a horse for jumping. Only some horses are suitable.

Mitzi Summers