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Why does my pony toss its head

20 17:44:46

I have a 13hand gelding who is roughly 13years old.
He lives on a 100 acres but has been in a paddock with his 3 other companions for over a month now .He has an issue with tossing his head he does it when your riding him lunging him or hes just out grazing, i have tried tying his head down whilst lunging and riding but he still finds a way to do it.Im sick of it. also if you take him away from his mates he will turn into a complete feral striking out not a me but just striking i think this may have to do with separation anxiety.

Hi Kaitlin!

It is important to rule out any real medical issues before deciding the head tossing is a training issue.  The vet needs to see your gelding....if possible during the head tossing.  He may have a condition called light sensitivity or allergy.  In strong sunshine, these horses will head toss/shake.  It needs to be ruled out and only a vet can do that.

I do recommend that you stop riding and working him until this is checked out by a vet.  No real training will be accomplished until this matter is solved.  If you continue to ride/work him as he is, both of you will only get more and more frustrated and good in that, eh?

If he gets a clean bill of health, write to me again and we will discuss some possible training ideas.

Lastly, yes....he is exhibiting classic separation anxiety.  I suggest you do this all one step at a time and have a vet see him before anything else.
