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My relation with my horse.

21 8:56:11

I have a horse but she lives on the other side of the country.  I only get to see her for two or three weeks each year.  When I go there I don't know if she reconizes me.  She dosn't run when I try to catch her, and once when I brought her some hay she gave me a greeting nicker.... but I still don't know if she reconizes me!  Do you think she does?  Please help.  THANX!

I have a simple answer for you. Horses are not dumb. Many people think that they have the intellegence of a 2 year old child.. even if this is true, a 2 year old has the ability to remember people, even if they rarely see them. In my opinion, as long as your horse has reason to like you (such as being groomed, fed, etc by you) she will remember you. They don't forget things easily. :)

I hope this is some help. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me here or at
