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Cowboyed mare

20 17:44:47

Mum bought a mare over 2yrs ago when we bought her she was being ridden when we got home and had a closer look she was in no condition to be ridden scare and cuts all over her.We turned her out for 6months to be a horse without human interuption.We belive shes been broken in verrry roughly.Shes roughly 6yrs old now and lives on 100 acres with 3 other horses.Shes not hard to catch just needs to trust you she wont let you touch anywhere past her shoulder on her left side but on her right side you can touch along the middle of her torso all the way to the flank go any further and she will cow kick.Her legs are also a no go zone.
Shes petrified of men fast and movements.
Shes very kind once caught.
Just want to know what would be best for her

Hi Kaitlin!

It was a good idea to turn her out to be a horse.  Well done!  But, now if you want her to be more in your "human herd" you have to make yourself more dominant over her than the other horses are.

She will never come into "your herd" if she is allowed to roam freely over 100 acres with other horses.  Her head will always be out there, being a horse.  You must bring her and in the best case all three, into a smaller space and if possible corral or stall them overnight.  They must be brought into training in our world and accept humans as the leader....IF you really want to have her be a trusted partner.  It would be almost impossible for her (with her background) to keep half her hooves in the human word and half her hooves in the horse would be just too confusing for her.  

You must pick one world for her and then allow her to immerse herself in it completely, that is the only way she will be truly comfortable.

So, now you must choose. Do you want a horse who is living out a free and horsey life or do you want to bring her into your human world and make her your true and trusted partner?

Good luck!
