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My Baby

20 17:46:29

Hello. I'm having extreme difficulty with my 7 year old gelding. This is his last chance. I've had him since he was 3 at first he was really naughty and reared then at 5 he settled down, in this last year he seems to have lost his head again. He lives out all the time with several other horses and I'm just wondering whether it's the "herding" instinct and the fact he is an alpha male that I cannot do anything with him. As soon as I put the tack on him, something switches off and no-ones home, the rearing starts and the bucking as well as running out and off. He's not the same horse as when just doing groundwork. I've had his tack checked, his teeth and his feet. All is well. Many people say he's turned and there's no hope but I love him and don't want to say good-bye.

Sounds like you have checked many of the issues. He needs to learn that being still is the greatest release. This can be tricky with a tricky horse, so be patient. A rear or a buck are a lack of go, its a hitch in the gas line. On the ground, can you send him in a circle and create enough go for a trot? If he rears or bucks on the ground just see it as an extra use of energy, you asked him to use 500 calories he chooses to use 1000. No big deal. Just get your ground work so you can ask him up to a trot or canter and there is no refusal. Let me know how this goes for you and we will come up with a more intimate recipe.
Best Wishes