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2 year old gelding

20 17:19:50

I have a 2 year old gelding. When he's tied, he sometimes pulls back. How can I teach him not to do that? Also, he's skittish around new people. He's been out at my farm since he was born, so he doesn't see a lot of people. He's perfectly comfortable around me, but he doesn't like being around new people. Is there any way to make him more comfortable other than just bringing people he doesn't know around him? I'm also thinking about trying to get a saddle on him soon. He still has a lot of growing left to do, so I won't be ridding him yet, but I want to go ahead and start lunging him with the saddle. He already seems cautious of it when I put it on my other horses. Is there a good way to get him to accept the saddle? What are some of the gentling methods you mentioned in your description?

Hello Courtney,
Sorry not to have answered sooner. Somehow it got lost...

He needs to learn to give in to pressure. I gather that you can lead him, and that he gives to pressure when he is led.

Start the tying lesson in his stall where he feels safe. Wear gloves and use a soft cotton long rope. Make sure you use a regular flat halter. Do not use a rope or polyurethane halter that has large knots. These can cause a horse discomfort and make him want to pull back even more.

Have a large metal ring on the side of the stall that is large and smooth enough so that the rope moves easily. Just run the rope through the ring and hold on to it. Have it a reasonable length. It should be at wither height. When by just moving around he hits the end of it and starts to fight, give a bit to the pressure so that he does not become claustrophobic. Speak softly to him. Just play back and forth with the pressure so that at times he is held by the pressure but if he panics, it gives before he can really fight.

You want to avoid triggering the "fight or flight" response. Eventually (all horses are different...some understand this right away, some take longer, especially if the horse has had any negative experiences) he will understand giving to pressure and not fighting it. When you do tie him always use a quick release knot.

Just resend your question as a follow-up so I have room to answer your other questions.
