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hlep with a nerves mare

21 8:54:26

hi there i have a cob 12,2hh mare she was never really riden she is now 10 yrs every time i bring the bridel and sadel out the take room she gets very nerves i tack her up then it takes me about 30 min befor i can get on her as she is running round me and wont stand still  and very jumpy about every thin has tryed to rear a few times why im on her and she gets all worked up starting form seeing her tack do u have any ideas why or can u help me solve this problem cause shes a lovely ponie and would love to take her far even in to show jumping but a long way to go yet please can u help thank you from claire  

Sounds to me that for whatever reason your horse is asking you to slow WAY down. Forget about the saddle and bridle for a while. Bring your horse out and try to start getting some positive responses. We want to teach the horse to give to pressure. That can be asking her to go in a circle around you, asking her to back up by shaking your rope etc. Just remember to give, stop everything, when your horse tries to do the task you are asking for. This tells her "right answer". Then ask for a little more, GIVE....a little more, GIVE.....etc.
Can you bring out your saddle, set it on the ground and ask her to lead up to it and smell it? As soon as she is looking at it, even if she is ten feet from it-GIVE! You're telling her if she thinks about what you are asking the "pressure" of being asked to go smell the saddle will go away. Walk away for a while, pet her, and then when she seems to have totally settled walk her back over and try it again. Soon she will trust that you wont force her, the saddle wont hurt her, and you will give her time to think about it. Then you'll start to have a partner.
Let me know how it goes!
Best Wishes