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separation anxiety!

20 17:29:19

hi, I have a 17 year old quarter horse Arabian mare.. and recently we got a miniature horse. When we put them together they instantly bond and cannot be separated without putting up a huge fuss for hours. they are stalled beside eachother but don't pasture together. I would like to be able to ride my horse without having to fight with her the whole time. She is usually a great ride and a sensible horse..until recently when we moved the miniature horse in beside her. any suggestions on how to help them get over the whole separation anxiety?

Hi Laura,

One solution is to ask someone to walk the mini out with you, that way your mare can see her friend, and the separation anxiety goes away. can do what I do, and just ignore it!  My 23yr old pure bred arab mare and my Yard owner's gelding are hopelessly in love, and whenever I take her out, he calls, and she jogs.......I have accepted this now, and just get on with whatever I am doing!  

Your mare may think that the mini is a foal, and is indicating she wants a baby!!!!!

I hope this helps, and it's hard to do this, but, sometimes the best way to deal with this is to ignore it.

Thanks for your question, and anything else I can help with, please do contact me.

Emma xx