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Horse behaviour race day

20 17:33:56

Hi, i have a four year old mare who is having her second prep. In her first prep she showed some ability managing to win a country race. The problem is that in at the track and the work she does at the beach is fantastic. Her times are excellent and she does everything on her ear, never missing a feed and never been lame. When it comes to race day she is a different horse. If everything doesn't go her way within a race she puts her ears back and practically puts on the breaks. The time she won was in her favour as we drew a good barrier sat behind the leader and kept going without encountering another horse next to her. She runs well as long as she doesnt encounter another horse. We have trialed her countless times to try and get her more experience and used to race day situations. We have also tried different bits, blinkers etc but cannot work out her issues. Im informed she was in a large paddock with many other horses as a yearling and hardly ever got to eat and was kicked on numerous occassions. She generally is a very cranky bitter horse who upon trying to feed tries to double barrel you almost daily. I understand why she has these issues however am at a crossroads on how to deal with them.I can cope with her mannerisms on the ground but not in a race situation as she clearly has ability and is a very sound horse.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Cass!

My personal experience with racehorses and the sport is very limited.  Perhaps there is another expert on the site who would be better suited to answer your questions.

Actually, I am shocked that there isn't a long line of men at the track full of opinions and suggestions for you.  Lord knows they love to hear themselves talk!  ;)

I can only recommend finding an older more experienced (maybe an ex-racing trainer) who can watch her run and then give specific suggestions about her.  There is nothing better than a fresh pair of eyes on a problem.

Good Luck!
