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2yro gelding

20 17:23:56

I have just purchased a 2 yro gelding. He was very nice when checking him out to purchase. I have also purchased his mother, very nice. Well, I knew when buying him that he would need work. He is not broke to ride. Well now that he is at my house, he has no manners or respect and I am in the process of teaching him just that. But my big problem is that he is not excepting my goats. They are just 4 or 5 months old, very loving and friendly. He chased one down and tryed to stomp on her the first day at the farm. Their stalls are right beside one another so he can smell and hear them. I now have to tie them out in the yard, but I do put them close enough to where he can see and hear them just not get to them. Each evening before putting them in the barn I let him come over and smell them, but he comes at them fast and wants to go after them. It has now been a week and he is still not to where I can put them back in the pasture with him. Is there something else that I can do so he won't hurt them?
Thanks for your help!

Hi Cristy,
           There are some horses that hate goats and they can not change no matter what. I have one horse that will throw any goat that she sees and another that will kill a goat. The best thing to do is to keep them separate at all times. Are you able to make them a separate pen?  
