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Two head geldings

21 8:55:00

Is there a way to introduce my head gelding and his herd of 3 mares and 2 other geldings to a new herd with 3 geldings? I sold my herd with my head gelding to a farm with 25 acres. This farm has 3 geldings and of course one head gelding.  How should I introduce the herd and my head gelding (he's 8)?  The head gelding of the other herd is about 5 yr.  I just don't want them trying to hurt one another as they joist for the head position.

Hi Nicole,
            You should introduce the horses over a fence. Allow them to sniff each other and touch noses but that is all. When they seem to be getting along then let your gelding into the pasture. There will most likely be some kicking and biting as that is the way horses decide who is boss. Just make sure that there is enough space for them to move away from each other. After the geldings have decided who is boss then put the mares in. Make sure that each horse has it's own space during feeding time and if the behavior continues over a week then I would separate the more aggressive gelding out of the herd for a few weeks.
