Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > making horse nicker at me

making horse nicker at me

20 17:20:06

QUESTION: hello ma'am, is it possible for me to make a horse irrespective of any breed, gender, age, temperament nicker at me? if yes, can you please give me some tips?

note : here at our thoroughbred racing stable, there are 21 horses and 11 grooms working for them. only 2 horses nicker at their respective grooms. remaining horses tend to bite them. one good thing these 2 grooms are experienced and aged. i have never seen them hitting and shouting at their horses. one groom works for a 6 year old chestnut gelding and the other works for a 5 year old bay mare. i really appreciate them by giving rs. 10 or rs.20 a week for having tea or coffee.

ANSWER: Horses will nicker as a means of communication. I have seen it in the following circumstances:

1. Nicker at another horse.......(foal to dam, dam to foal, one pasture "buddy" to another....

2. At feed expectation of foof

3. At a human.....I think it is a type of greeting and the horse is "happy" to
see the person. This is not always food related. I had a wonderful horse once who would nicker when he saw me walking to him in the pasture carrying his bridle to ride him.

4. I doubt a horse would nicker at an abusive perosn.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ma'am, have you ever seen horses nickering at abusive person? i dont think so ma'am since horses are too sensitive and they observe everything going around them. they should growl and bite the person who abuses them. lol.

Some horses are npot very verbal and will not nicker even at feed time.

No, I do not think they would nicker at an abusive person....but might if that perosn was deleivering their supper!

You can be (and should be) very kind and a good horseperson to a horse and they may not nicker at you.

The affectionate nicker usually comes with getting very familiar with the person on a regular basis.

I have had a few horses who nickered when I dismounted.....they would always get a pat on the ground...not very often a food treat.

I will be away teaching for a few days and so will go on the vacation list for those days.
It is never a is when I am traveling distances teaching and do not have access usually to a computer .