Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > riding club 1

riding club 1

20 17:21:49

hello ma'am, i would be learning riding on marwari horses from hyderabad horse riding school. please watch the videos below i attached youtube video links. in the 1st video, the leader on a dun colored horse is the instructor, please watch how he is riding and teaching the others riders to ride. do tell me about his knowledge from the 2nd video. would you suggest me to learn riding from this club?

First video.....

I cannot tell what the instructor is telling the students.
The basic potions of the riders are not bad, but they need to be training the horses, encouraging them to round their backs.

For example, the buckskin horse in the front is not bending correctly.....his trot is too fast (pacey) and in the canter he cross canters.

Other horses are not smooth...are inverted, (head up and backs down).They are shaped like a "U" instead of a rainbow.

They need to come from behind, be ridden back to front and need much basic work.

This is not anyone's is what every horse and every rider needs to learn.

I will study each tape and respond separately.

Do they ever sponsor American instructors to come over and teach the instructors and the students?
