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ottb softening: Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:26:26

I recently rescued an ottb. He is one of the best horses i have ever owed. He loves to learn and we both enjoy making each lesson interesting. and boy does he keep it interesting. he is so fast to learn and so eager to please. I understand where he came from and i know he needs special attention. all in all i think we are a good team. My problem is that i do not understand his feelings towards the bit. i ride him in a loose ring sweet iron snaffle with copper inlays. i love this bit(and so does he). he takes the bit the second u offer it. he loves to b ridden. i have never found any reason to use a stronger bit, spurs, crops, martinegales, flashes, etc(the list goes on and on). basically it is me, my horse, a saddle and a bridle. thats it. no gimicks. and i wont use any 'torture devices'. but he wont soften on the bit. at least not vertically. he trots around with his head in the clouds. he has lowered it a little since we have done some trail riding and trotting poles but just so he can look where to put his feet. i have done alot of lateral flexion with him(cal it what u will: one rein stop, flexing, lateral...etc) and he has soften a bit but i dont know how to ask him to flex down. to give his head and yield to the bit. i realize that he can do it i just dont know how to ask. i can put a steady pressure to ask him to drop his head then give the release but he matches me pound for pound and i cant release if he wont give. im lost and i dont want to ruin his bubbly personality. i want him as a companion not as a show horse. but i need a little advice to help me help him be soft. criticize away. i love riding naturally. i.e. asking not making. when i ask he listens. he can come so far once we get over this. but it seems i cant ask this right.

Ok, he does not like the bit, he accepts it.  A bit does not make a horse listen or be soft, it gives people an advantage of pain and leverage when they don't know how to control a horse without it.  This horse is telling you that he is not ready for what you want, you have not prepared him and taught him what you want so what you see as he won't do, I see as he does not know what you want.  I tell people all the time if you can't ride a horse in a halter, then you should not be riding in a bit.  You talk about flexing, then your horse should flex with a halter, you should be able to ride in a halter, this horse needs about two months of WALKING, he needs to learn to relax with you on his back, he needs to know that you are soft on the bit and you know how to try and communicate with him and stop trying to make him carry his head where you want.  I will be you a million dollars when this horse is in pasture and grazing his head is not high...???? how can that be........I will tell you why, you are not on his back pulling on a bit.  A horse knows how to carry his head, they use it to communicate fear, confusing, panic, threats, to see in their two different visions?  Do you know about bi and mi vision?  Do you why a horse raises and lowers his head?  This is not a horse problem, it is a you problem trying to get what you want and not considering what the horse wants, needs and is saying.  This horse is telling you many things and you are not listening since you are too busy training or trying to make the horse carry his head..........stop concentrating on his head and concentrate on YOU, what you do, what you are saying, what he is telling you, why he is doing this, try and understand him and stop trying to train him and make him (what you think) is better.  He is fine the way he is, you need to listen to him and work on yourself more.  Watch my videos on Youtube, it will help understand horses better.