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badly behavied

20 17:42:53

my Mum owns a 5 yesr old gelding which has only just been cut.we have owned him since he was 6 months old, as a foal he was badly spoiled by my Mum and let of lightly when bitting and kicking. so therefore it is mainly mums thought why his behavior is so aggressive towards her. He doesn't like her anywhere near him or his stable. he has a bad attitude anyway towards anyone except the furrier and vet. he is truly loved and cared for but just seems to have a very moody personality and always has his ears back when a humans approach his stable,he leps out of his stable and never walks out normal as he used to, it just seems he is getting worse, he is ok with me but i cant make him change as i anit got the time as iv got my own horses. have U got a suggest on how my mum can bond and interact with her horse again with out getting hurt.

Hi Amee!

This horse has NO respect for you or your Mom.  It sounds like the only humans he respects is the farrier and the vet.  Your mom has to become a leader this horse can respect.  Right now she is so low in the herd, this horse will just push her around and she allows it.  Your mom is the one that will have to take a good hard look in the mirror and decide why she has this horse, why she is allowing him to be such a bad citizen and why she has not put the time into learning how to be the kind of horsewoman this horse can trust and respect.

Five years is a very long time to leave a horse so totally un-educated.  This horse is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off on someone!  Your mom does not need to "bond" with this horse, she needs to learn how to be a leader, teacher and boss.  She has to decide.  Your mom is the one that will have to invest the time and effort into her learning, you can't do it for her and I can't spoon feed her the information.  There is too much.  She has to do the work first.  If not, this poor gelding will end up hurting someone and it won't be his fault.  It will be because no one cared enough about him to educate him and give him some value in this world.  Right now he is dangerous because the people that "love" him turned him into a spoiled, rotten, bum.  Sad for the horse.  So many horses like him end up at slaughter because they were never given the proper training or education to make them solid citizens.  The horse pays the ultimate price for human laziness and lack of caring.

If you truly love and care for this horse, train him.  Give him a job and educate him.  This starts by educating yourself and offering the horse the highest level of quality you possibly can.  My website has a resource list of DVD's and Books that you must watch and read.  Start with the ground work information by Buck Brannaman first.  This will show you very clearly what you must be doing with this colt.  It will also give us some common knowledge so I don't have to stop and explain each and every concept and exercise.  YOU and your MOM have to do the work.  There is no way I can explain every detail to you.  I have provided the information, now go and learn it.  We can then talk and work through the specifics of the issues you are having.  

You Mom is at risk to be sure of getting hurt with this horse if she does not change herself and really work at becoming a leader.  You need to attend a horsemanship clinic with Buck Brannaman, Ricky Quinn or Ray Hunt, NOW.  It is the best way I know of helping you get out of the trouble you are in without getting really hurt.  

Good luck, and give me a shout when you have done your homework, reading and watching the DVD.  Don't forget to read my past answers on colt starting, respect, hooking on.  



I'm so proud of you!  I know it is a risk to speak from my heart, but it is what I must do.  I never know how people are gong to take the information but, if I don't tell it like it is, what good am I doing.

You guys are going to make it and I know you will now make the changes in yourselves to help your horse.  I'm here to help.  You are the kind of people that I'll be more than happy to go the extra mile for.

Do your homework, read my past answers and start by watching the stuff by Buck first.  This will really help you get a handle on the ground work.  I also want you to buy a good rope halter with a 12' tree line lead.  The halters and lead have just the right weight and feel to really help.  You need to practice spinning the lead rope overhand and get really accurate with the placement.  You will need to "nip" your horse, and I want you to be very good at exact placement.  It will be a bit of a tough road for you guys,but I know you can do it.

Let me know when you have gotten through your homework.  I'm hoping you can attend a colt starting clinic, this is where you need to be with this horse.  The change will be amazing.  Ricky Quinn will ride the re-start horses.  Buck and Ray do not have anyone traveling with them this year so you would have to do all the handling on your own.  Still, with Buck and Ray talking you through it, there is nothing finer.  

Keep me posted.  You made my day!

Smiles, Denise