Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > kicking


20 17:44:38

i Have a 8 year old gelding and a 16 year old mare they cant stand being apart but when its feeding time the gelding seems want all the food and kick the mare. she sometimes wont come in the barn and we often have to feed her outside and she has slimed way down why is it that he wants to kick her all the time?

Your horse is being a normal horse.  In the wild the lead horse eats first so he can protect the herd.  Don't feed them together unless you spread food out, if you feed them in three piles of food that are at least 20 feet apart, they will not fight, the lower horse will just move to another pile and eat.  people that feed horses in one pile cause this problem.  If you understood a horse and understood how they act in a herd you would know this.  In the wild horse are not fed, they walk and graze, so there are not these problems.  This is not a horse problem, it is a people problem!