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horse not coming in from field

20 17:43:40

my horse is 11 and iv had her for 10 1/2 years. since moving to a busier yard where she is kept in a field with many other mares in the summer, she is very resistant to coming in. however, this summer has been an absolute nightmare. she will usually come to me when i shout on her, is very pleasant and friendly, however as soon as you put her head collor on she rears, bucks, turns her bum and reverses trying to kick me, she can launch at me with her ears back. iv tried so many different things, iv spent hours and hours with her, talking to her, reasuring her, iv beentough on her, iv went in with a lung rein and tried to lung her up however it becomes impossible without getting up as the field is on a hill and she finds a way to go for me. i find it very disheartening that she seems to have no respect for me after all these years iv run out of ideas and it is becoming a real chore. any help would be much appreciated.

Hi Stacey!

You have to deal with your horses behavior in the moment.  You have to ride you horse where they are TODAY.  If your horse is a "nightmare" and if she is rearing, bucking and kicking at with this behavior!  Yes, you are absolutely right, she has learned to have no respect for you.  

Your mare has decided that being in a herd of her own kind is a much better deal than being with you.  You have not been the leader she can trust and believe in.  You have to change you!  You have to start thinking and acting like the leader of your band.  It starts with hooking your mare on and proving to her that you are the leader she can believe in.  

From the moment you put a toe in that pasture act like and be the leader.  Don't shout at your horse.  Hook her on.  If she does not step up to you and offer to help put her halter on, put her to work.  Even if you are in a huge pasture, drive her, turn up the heat and really make her work.  It would be easier for you if you were in a small corral or round pen, but it is not necessary.  If she approaches you with the slightest amount of disrespect, which is pinned ears or any aggressive behavior, drive her off, put her to work.  Please go to my archives and read up on my other answers that are on this subject, they will really help you.  Don't allow her to shape up to kick you!  Be aware of what happens BEFORE what happens, happens!  You don't have to allow your horse to turn around and kick at you!!  You KNOW something bad is coming so take care of it before it turns into completely dangerous behavior.  Learn how to spin the tail end of your lead rope overhand.  This will allow you to  be accurate when you have to "nip" your horse.  Your timing and feel will have to be spot on here.  DO NOT PUNISH your horse.  It never works and creates a war.  You have to change your mares mind and allow the right thing to be easy and the wrong things to be difficult.  When she considers you in a respectful way, release the pressure.  Acknowledge the slightest effort and the smallest try on her part.  The second, the very moment that she tries to get with you, release the pressure.  When she becomes aggressive, at the very FEEL of her getting nasty, drive her off and turn up the heat.  

If you do your homework,  if your feel and timing are spot on, this situation will change in a matter of hours or days. I would also like for you to watch the ground work dvd by Buck Brannaman.  Watch anything and everything by Buck and Ray Hunt.  I'm posting a resource list on my site for you to check out also.  If you need additional clarification on these terms or concepts, let me know.  Keep me posted!

Smiles, Denise