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how early

20 17:57:28

hello i have a 3 1/2 old filly i have never had one that young. when do i start traing with her i know she trust me i have tout her to shake my hand she by playing with her everyday and how do i get her to stopping spinning her back end toward me i keep thinking she is going to kick me

Hi Pam!

You did not say your filly's breed but, I am going to assume it is something not exotic. I'm guessing like a QH or such.

From the very fact that you wrote me and asked me some very simplistic questions, I feel you should not attempt to break her yourself.  You need help from a professional trainer.  Breaking a baby is a very difficult, dangerous and time consuming job that should only be done by educated and experienced people.

Your filly deserves the very best start in her riding career with humans.  The slaughterhouses are full of ill-trained horses, either through abuse or ignorance it does not matter.  She is your responsibility to take care of and you must put aside your wants and desires to give her the very best education.

Ask your vet of farrier to recommend a local trainer who is experienced in breaking babies in your horse's breed.  Have the trainer out to evaluate your situation and if you like them, hire them.  

Spending the time and money now to correctly train your young horse will give you 20 more years of a wonderful riding partnership!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
