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Bad Trainer

20 17:58:46

I have this 7 year old Arabian I wanted broke for riding. We where working him our self..We where able to lunge him and get a pad and saddle on him. But we could not get on him so i sent him to a girl that claimed she was this great trainer.In the week in a half she had him she could not get a pad or saddle near him...The more she tried the more he got upset...She tied him to a tree (which we never did) and he spooked and fell to the ground somehow rapping the rope around his neck so tight his tongue turned purple...I became angry about this and took my horse back home...Now he won't let me touch him or play with him...And he won't even eat his favorite treat a marshmallow..I'm afraid i have lost the trust my horse and i had...Will my horse ever be able to be broke??? After what this bad trainer did to him???

Thank you,

Hi Kathy,

My heart is breaking for you and your horse.  I'm so sorry you had to experience this.  It is all too common that people call themselves trainers and don't know the first thing about starting horses.  It seems that any one that rides and doesn't fall off is a horse trainer.

My teachers don't call themselves horse trainers.  Ray says he is a student of the horse.  Buck doesn't label himself at all.  These guys are just good horsemen.  There is a feel they have around horses that is unmistakable.  

The long and the short of this sad story is that YES, you will be able to get your horse going.  You will have to pay your dues for the damage that was done.  You horse may never be as good as it could have been had this not happened, BUT, he will still be a very good horse, so don't give up.  

You are right on the money when you recognize that your horse has lost confidence and trust.  Can you blame him?  You,  Kathy can feel better knowing that YOU did not do this to him.  You trusted someone that was a fake.  I'm sorry for that.  You will have to EARN back the trust your horse had.  Depending on how sensitive your horse is this may take some time.  Throw out your watch and your calendar, it will take what it takes but with good help it will happen.  I have worked with horses that have had to endure years of similar handling and they have become wonderful saddle horses, so I know what good things can happen.

I like to concentrate on solutions not problems, so as much as I want to whack the little trainer on the head with a wooden spoon, I'm going to move on and take you with me!

Here goes...begin at the beginning.  Today is a new day for you and your horse.  You will re-start your horse as if you bought him today.  If you have access to a good round pen that would be great, start hooking him on and rebuilding the trust.  Get him to view you as a leader he can trust.  If you have not seen this, check out Buck Brannaman's Groundwork DVD and Back to the beginning DVD by Ray Hunt.  Look at the websites for Buck and Ray.  They travel the country helping people with their horses.  If you are lucky, they will be in your area sometime soon.  

Everyone needs help with their horses.  Learning how to start and train a  horse is an oral tradition passed from master to student.  It is also a lifetime event, not something that you do in a weekend.   My teachers have teachers.  Our ultimate teacher is the HORSE.  Choosing someone to help you understand the horse and how they think, react and behave is as important as choosing someone to care for your children.

When choosing a horseman to learn from, look at their horses carefully.  Are those horses something you would want to ride?  Are they confident, secure, and not scared and intimidated?  Do YOU feel good when you are in the presence of the person you are asking for help?  Is the horse better at the end of a school or worse?  Are the horses soft, respectful, attentive, and obedient?  Does the person punish the horse after the fact, or make the right thing easy for the horse to find?  These are just some of the questions I have people examine when looking for help.  

I'm going to offer you a list of names of people I know that can help you.  Most of these guys have websites that you can check out, and most have a very extensive travel schedule so it is easy to attend one of their clinics.  You can find the QUALITY help here and hook up with friends that can continue to help year round.  Look for Ray Hunt.  Ray is the teachers teacher, he is amazing.  Buck Brannaman, Joe Wolter, Bryan Neubert, Martin Black, Peter Campbell and Ricky Quinn.  Ricky does not have a website and he is one of the only guys that will still ride your horse for you.  To contact Ricky, look for McGinnis Meadows Cattle and Guest Ranch in Libby Montana, they have a great website and all the contact information is there.  

These are the people that will really be able to help you and your horse.  Don't rely on anyone else.  Get great help, learn this for yourself and no one will ever be able to fool you again.  

Hang in there Kathy.  It will be better!  Keep me posted.  Also, please read some of my other answers on starting horses.  They will give you some idea of the things you can start doing.  Find the DVD's and look for the clinics.

Keep asking questions and I'll help all I can!

Smiles and Miles  (horseback of course!)  Denise