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loud pony

20 17:21:05

I adopted a 14 year old pony to be a companion for my blind mare.  He is a good boy except for one problem.  He whinnys way too much.  He is like a barking dog.  If I am outside and he starts I tell him firmly NO..he has plenty to eat and drink.  I put him up for supper at the same time every night and usually get him out around the same time.  He has started whinnying around 4 in the morning.  That is too early.  I do not "jump" everytime he whinnys but I am worried that my neighbors are going to start complaining..  Any advice would be very helpful..

I am not sure what is going on, as answered this?

Get after him, and tell him to be quiet.  He does not need to whinny much anyways, and is basically being a brat who has never been corrected.

He could be losing sight of other horse and getting upset, but still no excuse.

Might also get a radio too.

And a nanny cam just to see if someone or something is coming in barn at that time of morning.