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Speedy pony

20 17:42:56

I recently bought a new pony. We were told that she was quiet and perfect for me to start jumping again as I am very nervous after a fall earlier on this year. The first few weeks were great and she didn't put a foot wrong, but sadly in the past few weeks she has gotten very very forward going and is now completely ignoring all my aids and because I am so nervous her going fast is terrifying me and I don't want to ride. Please tell me how I can slow her down!

Hi Clare!

You did not say your age or the level you are riding at.
But....your real fear came through loud and clear.

A capable, competent and confident rider never feels his/her horse is going "too" fast unless there is a specific reason why the mount may not.  To a fence or toward an undesirable area and such..but, then the solid rider uses the correct aids to set and maintain the correct speed.  Therefore, avoiding the horse from getting strung out and away from him/her.

In the beginning of your riding together, your new pony was simply following through on all her training and being very polite.  But, after a few weeks she started to realize you were riding her weakly and with no real authority.  So, she just took the reins from your hands and you let her.

I suggest you no longer attempt to correct this issue on your own from the saddle.  Formal lessons are called for here.  Consider contacting your local Pony Club about an instructor who understands ponies and their very specific ways.  The instructor may also be able to ride your pony and tune her up for you to make sure she is following all aids. is up to you to improve your own riding. You must not think you can depend upon the pony to faithfully carry you about whilst you do no real work. If you freeze in the saddle and expect her to make all the decisions...well, she will.  And her decision is to go as fast as she wants.

Riding is as much about your mind as it is about your seat.  Your fear must be handled, reduced through correct riding repetition and then you will find your joy again.

I can not advise you how to "slow her down" when you clearly are not riding her strongly and confidently.  You must improve upon yourself as a rider and give your pony another chance to be your real partner.  Once you have established a more confident seat, I just bet your pony will remember her training and appreciate you riding her well  :-)

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
