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dangerous, bad tempered pony.

21 8:54:53

5 weeks ago I bought a new pony for my 12 year old daughter who has ridden since she was tiny and is used to working around ponies. The pony was recommended to us by a friend. At first he seemed lovely. He is 14.2hh, 10 yr old gelding with one previous owner (who bred him). We bought him at auction and brought him home when there was still grass in the field. He was put out with 3 mares and initially was not a problem. The problem arose as soon as feed was introduced. He is absolutely evil! He rears, kicks (deliberately taking aim at whoever is feeding him) and worse, actually runs at you and will bite. Initially he was living out but now I have bought the ponies in to see if he improves. Last week he amputated (literally)my husbands little finger and now I am worried about the kids being around him. We are now down to 2 ponies, him and an older mare. They have been coming in at night and during bad weather. Once you have hold of him he is no problem (he is lovely when ridden). When he is loose in his stable he is wicked. If someone walks past he lunges at them. If you go into the stable he tries to corner you. I now leave a head collar on as it is easier to get a hold of him without being put at risk. I have known many horses but cannot understand him at all. I have been assured that he has not shown this behaviour before. My husband wants to get an electric dog collar for him but I am worried that may make him worse. He shows absolutely no respect whatsover for humans when food is about, yet is perfectly well behaved when ridden. I feel that he could be very dangerous, I just dont know how is the best way to deal with him. I have always been taught to be firm but kind around animals and have usually found that a raised voice is enough to chastise a pony. I dont want to make the situation worse by battering him, but I cannot compromise my childrens safety. Does he need a firmer hand? His old owner wants to come around with a pitchfork, which makes me suspect that perhaps he has shown these tendencies before.On the other hand he is only really wicked when in the stable or when hay or feed is being offered. What is the best way for me to deal with him?

Hi Kay!

Yikes!  What a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde you have there!!

Is is true he was never like this with the previous owners?  Maybe.  He might have been at the low end of the pecking order previously and when he moved he saw his chance to take over.  I've seen it happen before.

It sounds like he is really taking advantage of your family and your (in his eyes) weak attitude towards him.

His previous owner may have ruled him with more of an iron hand in a velvet glove and that's what he is used to and actually needs.

I would invite over the previous owner and watch the interaction between them.  If Mr. Evil Pony is good for the old owner, find out what he does and mimic him.

As for worrying that he was physically abused and is acting out, stop giving yourself nightmares about it (no pun intended!)  Horses don't feel love or hate like you may think.  Respect and fear rule their lives.  Your pony does not respect you but, is obviously well-trained under saddle enough to do as told then.

Finally, NO shock collar!!  It could do so much unintended damage...he could become unridable!

You just need a little backbone when dealing with him and make him understand YOU are the Boss Mare!

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
