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8 month colt

21 8:54:55

Thanks for your time I have a 8 month old colt and I am having a problem with him and biting....first off it just started and it comes and goes....he will come up to me and try to bit and he will also do this when I am giving his mom attention and he will run up and just try to bit me and he will bit her and I'm thinking he is getting protective of her and the barn but heres the thing when I get him out and tie him up to groom and pick his feet he does absolutely fine so I'm not sure if he just thinks I'm a horse and wants to play and I wont or hes just coming protective of her and the barn? if you have and suggestions on what you think let me know Thanks alot.....Tiff

Hi Tiffany!

It sounds like you have not weaned him yet and of course he is still a stud colt too.  Both of these factors play into his behavior.

I would consider weaning him totally form his mother and keeping him separated from her in T/O also.  Geld him as soon as possible and in the meantime ignore the biting.

If he is rewarded by you backing off and acting frightened or surprised, he will continue.  Do not hit or try to aggressively stop him either.  Just ignore it.  Act as if it never happened, no reaction at all.  You know when he does it the most and when he does not, so prepare yourself to ignore it.

Bringing attention to it at this time and turning it into a big deal or a game would be problematic and make it persist.

If he is still doing it after weaning and gelding, then you can take steps to correct it.  It will not be too late then and right now would be too early.

Keep up the good work on his ground manners and prepare him to stand on his own four feet!!  LOL!!

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
