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bad habits

20 17:26:56

I have a miniature pony. He is a gelding and I've had him for about 2 years. He is 7 years old. He is very well trained and obeys me all the time. The problem is I started a bad habit with him and now I can't break him of it. When I groom him I tie him to a pole in the yard and allow him to eat while I'm grooming him. Now I can't get him to quit eating the grass and do as I say. I am constantly trying to get his head up! What can I do to change this behavior?


Hi, That's a very common problem especially in riding horses. Do you have a fence where you can tie his head up with( by tie his head up I mean tie the lead rope on a fence board that is above his head and have only a little bit of slack in it, not enough to reach the ground)? Also can you try and cross tie him? Any more questions? I'm glad to help. :]