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Bambi & a BAD day,,,,

20 17:31:24

Well we finally almost had a melt down. It had been awhile since I had ridden and made the mistake of not lunging her before I saddled her up. She was a little snotty at first, but seemed to be Ok. I asked her to canter: Ok, but not terrific. I brought her down to a trot and asked her again. She tossed her head, turned the corner and started to speed up and head for the wall. I got catty-wampus in the saddle and I right before she got to the wall, (I swear she bucked, my husband who was sort of watching said no) but I almost fell off. This is the first time I was almost over her ears and on the ground. She has bucked (sort of) before, but nothing like this. I don't know how in the world I stayed on her, but I managed to. My husband got on her and she was Ok. Still rough going into the canter, but she didn't run to the wall. I got back on her and she was Ok, but I didn't ask her to canter again.
I know it isn't all her and I need help (lessons) so I am in the process of interviewing trainers. Do you think some more ground work would help????? She's driving me crazy!

Hi Susan

Ok  at least your still in one piece!   

It might haave been a good idea to havelunged her before hand but  it  might not have made the slightest little bit of difference, as it sounds like  she was either  just that way out  or she was trying it on with you, and I suspect the last one might be nearer  the truth, BUT at least you didn't give in to her and made her do  what you wanted her to do!

My youngster does the same thing  sometimes, and  she thinks that if she gets snotty and misbehaves I'm going to get off and put her back in her stable................... NOT A CHANCE!

Carry on the groundwork as normal, but  when you ride and she starts that then you have to be brave, just sit deep and  dare her to do it, see how far she goes then............. half the time she will back down,  and then  sometimes you will have to sit deep and ride her through the rough bits.    You did the right thing, by not giving in to her.  

You and Bambi are getting there, its  just another hiccup thats all, nothing to worry over, she is going to start pushing you  to see how much you will let her getaway with, but  not much by the sound of it.

Just keep doing  what you are doing, looking back you both  have come so far from those days  when you were completely in despair at her,just look back and see what you have achieved,  and remember what I said then, somedays  one step forward, five steps back, thats was one of the five steps back days!