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Farrier Problems

20 17:57:25

I have just bought a 12.2hh pony and she is impossible to trim her feet! She rears, kicks and bites. I have been advised by her previous farrier that he would not trust her under sedation with her head on the floor to trim! I was not advised by the previous owners and they will not take her back, any suggestions please? My son has seen her in action and she is not good, not even to load and will happily rear on the leidrein with my novice 9 year old son on her back!

Hi Natalie, You must begin her training from the very beginning. Get her used to being groomed, you can even leave her loose in the stall while you do it if it is safe. Get her to give to pressure from your hand and then the lead rope. Work at stroking her legs and hooves, eventually getting her to lift a foot even a half inch, drop it and praise her. Work up until she will let you lift it, tap it on the bottom and eventually pick it out. If you have had her less than 30 days, there are laws protecting you in most states that require the owner to take her back because she was misrepresenting the horse to you. Other than that, you must really work at imprint training her, use natural horsemanship methods, find a local trainer to help you and be sure your son does not even try to ride her until she is trustworthy. Once all of her ground work is perfect, then and only then, should she be tacked up. Leave me some feedback, a nomination (if you wish), and keep me posted. I hope the best for you. Thank you for writing. Regards, Susan