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my shetland pony

20 17:58:25

i just bought a 2 year Shetland mare. for some reason when you are walking she comes up behind you and rears up. she scratched my 3 year old by doing this. she is not on a lead rope at the time. any suggestions on how to get her to stop this behavior. thank you

Hi Debra!

Your "little" filly is acting dominant to you and your family.  This must be stopped immediately, as it will only get worse if unchecked.

I am going to assume you bought her as a pet/riding pony for your 3 yr. old child.  She needs to have manners put on her right now so she can be just that for your child.

First, she is not a "big dog".  She is a "miniaturized horse" with all of the same herd issues that a full grown 1100 pound angry, pushy Boss Mare has.  Never forget that.  By making her submissive to you, you are not being mean or cruel.  You are speaking to her in the only language she knows.  Just as she is speaking to your family in the only language she knows.  She is saying "Hey!
Who the hell do you think you are?  I am in charge here and you must acknowledge it!"  But, you are not and she just keeps getting madder!

What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Can it be solved?  Oh yes.  And quite easily and by the end of summer too.  You must get help though, since you wrote to me it is obvious you do not know where to start.

Find a pony club in your area, call them and have them recommend a local pony trainer to come out and evaluate you situation.  You can also ask your vet or farrier.  The trainer can do a few sessions correcting your mare's behavior and then teach you to how to handle her.  Ground manners are of the utmost importance and there is no reason why your young child cannot be doing all of the work with you by next year!

Hire a trainer, work with her every day on her ground manner lessons that they recommend and be patient, she is still a baby.

Spending a little time and money now will give you 40 years of riding with this pony!  Oh yes!  They can easily live to 40 yrs old and ride almost up to the end ~ why a pony isn't even really good till they are 20!  HaHa!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmets!  (and they come in toddler sizes)
