Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > 2 year old

2 year old

21 8:55:17

I have a two year old mustang filly that I havn't been able to work
with very much.  She is fairly friendly, but you can't get near her
with a halter.  I need to know how to get the halter on her, with out
her hurting herself or myself in the process.

If you have any tips please let me know!

I actually just finished a clinic this weekend with a horse who had the same issue. Its a process that requires a ton of patience. Assuming you can touch this horse and pet her, see if you can find any "sweet spots" that make her very happy you found her itch. Once you can touch and scratch her, bring in a halter and dont do anything with it-just go pet her with your free hand. Now is where you begin the game of advance and retreat. Bring the halter closer to her while you scratch her, when she just barely becomes uncomfortable take it further away. You keep this up until you can pet her with the halter. This takes different amounts of time depending on the horse, so again, be patient. Once you can pet her with the halter all over her neck see if you can drop it on the other side of her neck. Dont just drop it over, advance and retreat. I have found once you can get to that step getting it over the nose and tied comes fairly easy. Remember you can put the rope around her neck and add a little pressure to teach her to lead before you ever get the halter on. Good luck on this and let me know how it works out and what comes up!
Best Wishes