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head shy 14hh pony

21 8:55:17

i go to feed everyday with feed and halter in hand when he sees the halter he will run to  back of pasture have not tried it with headstall and bit

Followup To

Question -
my horse is i believe head shy what is the cause and are there anything i can do to put his head stall on
thank you

Answer -
It is a challenge for me to tell from your question if you can halter your horse or not. Is this an issue only with the bridle? With mainly the bit? Can you hold up the head stall and do nothing without him getting bothered?  If he is resistant when you put on a halter how have you worked on that? I look forward to hearing more information about your horse so I can picture what is going on and and ideas I may have to help.
Talk with you soon.

I actually just answered a question just like this one. First see if you can get her into an area  you can work in, like an arena or a round pen if possible.
If you can pet her and love her up get her comfortable with that first. Then see if you can love her up while you just hold the halter in your free hand- it is a slow process that can take some time depending on how much time you can put into it and the horses level of fear. Advance and retreat until with the halter until she thinks you and just some wierd guy who likes to pet her with this funny rope. Once you are at that point see if you can drop the halter on the other side of her neck. It does take patience more than anything else, however once they get it they really get it. Now your horse may be older and had a halter on before and decided nothing good came out of letting that happen to him. Keep up with this work and when you do get it around the neck, and then on the head surprise him! Pet him, take it off and walk away. Soon he wont associate the halter with work, he will just feel like you use it to pet him. Please read what I wrote to the 2 year old lady, same issue. Let me know how it all goes for you!
Best Wishes