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breaking one eyed horses

20 17:47:26

Yes, I am part owner of this one eyed two year old filly.She was pretty sweet before her left eye had to be removed, now she seems to have a discipline problem. I was just looking for some professional advice how to go about starting her the correct way because I know how important it is to teach them correct ways in the beginning.

Hi Erin!

She is a baby horse with all kinds of new insecurities and trust issues that you will have to deal with.  

I recommend you treat her as a normal coddling or babying as this will not allow her to grow emotionally and will make things 10 times worse.

Of course, special allowances need to be made for when you know you or something else is out of her field of vision...such as during longeing, long-lining, ground work etc....

If you have no experience training a horse ask your vet, farrier or tack shop to recommend a local trainer who has worked with babies of her breed and speak to them about her restricted vision during training.  Have them out to see your situation and give you some exercises to start working on with her.

Really, this is not a big deal unless you turn it into one for her.  She will adjust to her new field of vision on her own timeline and learn what every other baby needs to learn to communicate with humans.

There are very few disciplines she cannot partake in and that is just common-sense on your part.  I would avoid anything that is timed or where speed and accuracy are necessary.

I had a little one-eyed mare that taught lessons and did trail riding but, with riders who could aid her and in good footing conditions.  We also that would be a very, very bad choice for a mount with her condition.

Be kind, be firm and allow time, patience and consistency be your ally.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
